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Dear Alumni of the UNC Army ROTC program,

When donating to UNC annually, we request your support by selecting Army ROTC as the benefactor of your generous gift.  Our donation account is under the College of Arts and Sciences, Army ROTC Gift Fund.  Any donation to the Army ROTC gift fund can be applied to the costs of sending the Tar Heel Army Ten-Miler team to Washington, the purchase of new fitness/recreational equipment, social trips and activities, funds for guest speakers, etc.

Thank you, 



–          For alumni that would like to make a Credit/Debit Card a tax-deductible donation to the program, go to this link: 

o   Then click on the “click here to make an online gift”

o   Select from the drop-down “College of Arts and Sciences”

o   Select from the next drop down “other”

o   Select “Search Options”

o   Type in “Army” on the search line; then select search.

o   Then press “select” next to the “Army ROTC Gift Fund”

o   Make the donation through the menu options–eventually, you will get to a credit/debit card input in the check- out section.