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CC Forms
Note: The CC Form 139-R is NOT a Contract that obligates the Cadet to a career in the Army.  It is the proper registration information that is required for the Cadet to be “loaded” into the ROTC Cadet Command system.  This way the Cadet is covered if they get hurt during Labs or other ROTC-Related Training.  The information on the 139-R is also used to gather information for the Cadet to Contract and be eligible for benefits.


CC Form 104-R is a Cadet’s Academic Plan to graduate.  It is a requirement for any Cadet that enrolls in the program to complete within their first semester.  This becomes a “signed contract” between the University and the Cadet that will ensure the plan they have submitted – and has been approved by the University – will allow the Cadet to Graduate on time and with their designated 4-year degree.



DA Forms


DD Forms


Misc. Forms


Misc. Documents




Field Manuals


MSIV Grading